GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Featured Projects XEOS is an experimental 32 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written in Assembly and C, including a C89 Standard Library (with some C99...
Specific services Since 2006, the eosgarden team used to provide several specific commercial services, covering a big range, like specific software development, web technologies, CMS development & integration, consulting in web or OpenSource...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/EGPack
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/Bin-Build
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/BrainDead
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/OpenCV-iOS
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/WOOPS
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/MEMDebug
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/XSFoundation
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/HexPrint
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/XEOS
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/Obj-C-Extended-Log
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/SVN-Util
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Source access The project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/macmade/Magic-Makefile
Legacy software This software has been discontinued and is no longer maintained. Latest Mac OS X versions are not supported. Features MySQL Server WebStart includes a full-featured OpenLDAP server, the world's leading OpenSource implementation of...
Public discussions: Unable to import to mysql
I get this every time I try and import:
No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See FAQ 1.16.
It makes no difference what settings i apply...
Legacy software This software has been discontinued and is no longer maintained. Latest Mac OS X versions are not supported. Features MySQL Server WebStart includes a full-featured MySQL server, the world's leading OpenSource database server. It...
BrainFuck examples
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! BrainDead is an interpreter for the BrainFuck programming language, written in C, that can be run in interactive or non-interactive mode. Examples for the BrainDead...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! About XEOS is an experimental 32 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written in Assembly and C, including a C89 Standard Library (with some C99 parts). Its...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! About XEOS is an experimental 32 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written in Assembly and C, including a C89 Standard Library (with some C99 parts). Its...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! About XEOS is an experimental 32 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written in Assembly and C, including a C89 Standard Library (with some C99 parts). Its...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! EGPack is an archive utility, similar to the TAR utility. A specific file format is used. Please see the for further informations about the EGPK file format....
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Overview OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. This project is a port of the OpenCV library for...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! WOOPS - PHP 5.3 framework WOOPS is a PHP 5.3 framework, targeting complex object-oriented PHP applications. WOOPS is currently under development, and no release...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! MEMDebug is a C library allowing to trace, inspect and debug the dynamic memory allocations inside a C program. MEMDebug is realeased under the . Feel free to use...
XCode integration
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Documentation XCode integration The Magic MakeFile can be easily integrated into IDE software, such as Apple's XCode (part of the Developer Tools). This short...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! BrainDead is an interpreter for the BrainFuck programming language, written in C, that can be run in interactive or non-interactive mode. Overview Usage By default,...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! About The XEOS C Foundation library provides the base for object-oriented C style coding, reference counting memory management with auto-release capabilities,...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Overview HexPrint is a command line tool that displays a file's content as an hexadecimal dump. HexPrint is release under the . It means you can use it freely with...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! The Magic MakeFile is a set of scripts for the GNU Make utility. GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a...
File format
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! File format specification About EGPack uses its own specific file format, which is not compatible with other archive formats, such as the TAR format. Format The...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! About Bin-Build is a small shell script to simplify compiling source file in C, C++ and Objective-C. You will find below a list of it's features. Bin-Build is...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Overview Obj-C Extended Log is a replacement library for the for the built-in NSLog() function, from the Apple Core Foundation framework. It provides better logging...
Technical details
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Documentation Technical details This section contains some technical details about the XEOS operating systems. You'll find some usefull informations about the boot...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Documentation Reference You will find below all the available configuration directive for the Magic MakeFile. You can either edit them directly in the...
C library
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Documentation Standard C Library To ease the development process of the XEOS kernel, XEOS is built with a custom C89 standard library, written from scratch. It also...